Circle of Magic is a community where creative, soulful women make their ideas real and support each other along the way.
Alchemy Lab is our latest program offering.
We Believe
We're here on earth to be connected.
Magic happens when we gather together because the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
As humans, we are innately creative beings.
We all have a creative spark that can take infinite forms, not just Art with a capital "A."
Our souls need stillness.
It can be hard to carve out space in our fast paced world, but when we do, we can tap into our inner guide - the quiet voice who knows the way to our dreams.
Some things never change. Alanna feels like she’s living her best life in a field of flowers.
We’re friends, colleagues, co-creators and fellow seekers on this beautiful and wild journey of career, motherhood, and bringing dreams to life. Alchemy Lab is an offering we crafted to support amazing women in launching their ideas, because we believe that as each of us listens to our inner calling to create, the world is brighter because of it.
So how did it begin? Back in 2017, Alanna started a group of women called Circle of Magic to help creative, soulful women get their ideas off the ground with the support of community. She is one of those people who straddles worlds - part product strategist and corporate boss lady, part artist, community builder, and facilitator.
The first Circle of Magic began in Washington, DC with a group of eight women. She started it because she was seeking an authentic community of women and craving accountability to help her make art again. From that initial living room, Circle of Magic has morphed and evolved, from holding workshops and retreats around the US to ultimately growing into a dozen chapters around the world. In 2020, Circle of Magic took a pause. In 2022, it was reborn, with the partnership of Christie.
Christie as a babe and with her babe.
Christie and Alanna met through a women’s group while working in tech. Christie was serving as a peer coach while working in corporate strategy, and eventually decided to pursue executive coaching. She transitioned out of tech to earn her coaching accreditation and launch her practice.
When Alanna was inspired to rebirth Circle of Magic, she reached out to Christie to collaborate, and Alchemy Lab was born. The Lab combines many elements from the Circle of Magic with coaching, and offers a step-by-step, yet playful approach to help women get their ideas off the ground.
We’d love to hear from you.
Have ideas, questions, suggestions, affirmations? Drop us a line anytime.